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Physician Coaching Program

Through this one-on-one coaching program, MSPEI matches physicians with qualified coaches to support them in strengthening their leadership skills, improving professional satisfaction, finding work-life balance, or finding ways to build on their strengths. By supporting physicians' overall well-being, MSPEI is helping physicians provide high-quality patient care.

Why use a Coach?

2008 article published in the Canadian Family Physician journal suggests that a physician coach can be a catalyst for change to help a physician build resiliency. Resiliency is a key factor that helps reduce burnout. Physicians who have used the Physician Coaching Program have told us through a program evaluation that working with their coach has benefitted them in many ways, including:

  • Major improvements in emotional fatigue and focus
  • Improved ability to sleep
  • Improved self-compassion and self-kindness
  • Enhanced ability to manage family life and home setting
  • Skill building around assessing the current situation and pausing before responding
  • Hosting difficult conversations
  • Improved understanding of themselves as a leader
  • Leading from within
  • Management and people skills as a formal leader

TOP 5 Ways A Coach Could Help You:

  1. Zero in on what you are aspiring for (or what is getting in your way) of achieving the highest level of professional satisfaction.
  2. Identify how your existing strengths can help you achieve desired results faster and better.
  3. Uncover new strategies to create healthy relationships and working environments.
  4. Process information differently to become a more effective decision-maker.
  5. Become a better communicator in your workplace.


The MSPEI Physician Coaching Program is supported by several well qualified, experienced coaches, who are profiled here

When you apply for the program, you will be asked to identify your preferred coaches. Matching will be based on availability.

MSPEI has vetted the coaches to ensure each have experience in personal coaching and experience supporting physicians. Additional coaches may be added to the roster over time.

Program eligibility

All ordinary members are eligible to apply, and resident members may be eligible, on a case-by-case basis; locum members are not eligible to apply. There are a limited number of spots available in the program each year, which will be filled on a first come, first served basis. Physicians who have previously used the Physician Coaching Program may apply to participate again one-year after completing the program's exit survey.

If you are interested in working with a coach, please submit the brief application form which will start the process of selecting a coach.  We will do everything to match you with your preferred coach; however, all matches will be based on the individual coach's availability.

MSPEI offers this program free to eligible MSPEI members. Funding to support the development and pilot test of the program were provided by the Canadian Medical Association and MD/Scotiabank Healthcare+. The program is now funded through Article D4 of the Master Agreement.

The Process

  • After submitting an application form, you will be connected with a professional coach from MSPEI’s roster. 
  • We will also send you a short intake survey that is used to help with our ongoing program evaluation. 
  • At this point, MSPEI removes itself from the process. Your personal coach will be in direct contact with you to arrange a time for an initial session, during which time you will have a chance to meet and determine if you would like to work together.  If you decide to work together, MSPEI will fund up to 12 coaching sessions by phone or video conference. 
  • Each physician’s personal coaching experience will be unique, based on their needs and aspirations. The discussions between you and your coach are confidential. Once MSPEI hears from your coach that your sessions are complete, MSPEI will send you a link to an exit survey which helps with our ongoing program evaluation.

For more Information